I've read Angela's Ashes I think it's 20 times. That's not an exaggeration. His book got me through my Dallas days, and there are passages I could probably quote from memory.
Raising my pint to you, Frank. You wrote one of my two favorite books in the whole wide world.
It's sad when a favourite author dies.
OH! Frnak McCourt died. I didn't know that.
I know what you mean - he was elderly but at the same time, he seemed ageless.
Yes, it is, FH. And he did seem ageless, Robin. I watched him in an interview on Charlie Rose and he looked quite young for a guy in his seventies.
I do take a little solace in the fact that his death was somewhat unexpected. He had skin cancer, and while that in itself is not a death sentence, as a result of the cancer he contracted meningitis, complicating everything. Damn. Damn damn damn. I've read all three memoirs that he published, and while Angela's Ashes was my favorite, I enjoyed them all immensely. Really pains me I won't see more work from this fellow.
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