Also: possibly turned down a sweet temporary copyediting position with the company owned by the famous-billionaire-Chicago-talk-show-host-who-shall-not-be-named-even-though-I've-never-signed-a-confidentiality-agreement-with-her. I offered myself part-time and forwarded my availability to my recruiter—who, incidentally, after a year and a half, may just be fed up with my turning down job offers because of school.
Nice picture!
I hope you can do the job part time. You're such a busy person!
OMG, he looks so young?!!??! Is that really him?!!
And you don't mean the big O.W do you?? Sorry, am a bit dim and very slow! LOL!
You turned down a job with her? Blimey!
Take care
No disrespect to your taste in blokes, but I'd pay shipping to ship him outta my face...
More of him for me, Whirl! My taste in men really varies, actually. Soon I'll do a post of other men for whom I'd pay extra shipping.
Mmmm, that's a very nice man.
Wrote a book and has the looks- good for him!
Hey Old Kitty - OMG totally forgot to respond. So sorry!
Yeah, unfortunately, it's true. I can't do both school and the sweet copyediting position.
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