Sunday, June 14, 2009


So I play my first wedding tomorrow. A little nervous, but it should be fun. I'm being put up in a hotel for two days, which helps with the relaxation factor and will probably mean I'll get to work out in the hotel gym.

Happy for my friend, too, who insisted I play her wedding. I was reluctant, and financially it isn't helping at the moment, but it does give me a little repertoire for weddings. I'm hoping to play more. 


fairyhedgehog said...

I've only just seen this, freddie. How did it go?

Robin B. said...

How did it go, sweetie?

pacatrue said...

I've forgotten what your instrument is, Freddie. I know you compose.

Stacy said...

Er, I never remember performances later, but I was late on the last cue. Goddamn idiots were clomping up the stairs to the tower of the pavillion (sp?) (wedding was in a public park in a pavillion), DURING THE WEDDING, which pissed me off to no end. As if they couldn't tell there was a wedding and the place was already RENTED. And I was ruminating on that when the minister announced the couple. Oops. But the bride complimented me on the playing, so I think it worked out okay. But maybe she's in Jamaica now ruminating on what a dimwitted friend she has.

fairyhedgehog said...

I suspect you noticed more than she did.