Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Help Bevie's Family Deadline

Hey folks! If you've not yet made a donation, you have roughly 48 hours to make it. I'll be closing down the donation button at 2:00 p.m. U.S.A. Central Time ("Chicago time"). I need to do that in order to have enough time to get the money order and mail it out to Bevie's family. Thanks!

EDIT:If you stray over here after the deadline and still want to make a donation, Fairyhedgehog or I would be happy to send your e-mail address along to Bevie's family. Thanks for thinking of that, Fairy!


Ms Sparrow said...

Hi Stacy, I went online twice to make donations, but I couldn't tell if they actually went thru.
Can you let me know if either of them came through?

Janice at

Ms Sparrow said...

Stacy, I'm sorry we can't communicate easier. My email address again is: (maybe I put .com?)
otherwise, I'll check back on your blog comments for your response.
THX Janice Wagar