Monday, February 8, 2010

Tweet Me

Got word on a couple of new projects, one related to school. Well, both related to school, as one might be my thesis project. And you know, one of my contacts was through Twitter. Just made almost 20 potential friends and contacts in the past couple of days. Don't tell me Twitter is useless!

Also, you may have noticed I added my Twitter feed. A new blogger site complete with music downloads will be up soon. Probably I'll just keep this blog as a personal "hey how ya doing" kind of thing. I'll still post a lot. Especially about books.


Stacy said...

. . . and men for whom I'd pay shipping. : )

Old Kitty said...

...phew! the men for whom postage is no problem have been saved!


Take care

Sylvia said...

I've added you ;)

Robin B. said...

I don't Tweet, Stacy. Not yet, anyway. I'm worried if I so this too soon, I'll never get my novel out there, girl.

Whirlochre said...

Looking forward to Site 2...

Stacy said...

Hmm. I wondered who voted this post "ugly."

Stacy said...

I am, too, Whirl! I plan to have a section where you can hear samples of my music.

Robin B. said...

That site sounds really good!