Sunday, March 1, 2009

Websites That Play Music . . .

as soon as the page comes up. I hates them.


fairyhedgehog said...

I hates them too when I've got my speakers on. At least half the time I've either got the speakers off, or I'm using headphones instead and not wearing them. It's perfectly peaceful then!

writtenwyrdd said...

But I recall this one website that gave you the option of music/no music before every single page refresh or link. That was almost worse than hearing the music because it made navigating the site so difficult.

Bevie said...

I was wondering how it was done. But since you three all visit my blog/s I think I will accept the axiom that ignorance is bliss.

I have YouTube links, but you have to click on those to hear music.

Whirlochre said...

I hate the ones that try to shave your legs...

Sarah Laurenson said...

Oh, WO, those are the worst!

I have my volume turned off and never notice the music ones except they are sometimes slow to load.