Thursday, January 15, 2009

Not Sure About This

One thing I hate about this new template is all the wasted space at the bottom of the page.


Whirlochre said...

It'll get better as you fill up the blog. If it helps, I've just bought a new widescreen monitor and most of my screen is now space.

I love this layout. It's fresh, it's bold and it makes much more sense to have the menus on the left.

fairyhedgehog said...

I prefer the menus on the right, but other than that I really like this template. White space is good!

Stacy said...
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Stacy said...

Oh, thank you, Whirl and FHH. I feel so talented for clicking a button! *bows* ; )

laughingwolf said...

add stuff, if you want to fill spaces ;)

Stacy said...

I will! : )