Monday, January 5, 2009


Sirius Black Takes Another Matrimonial Plunge

Sexyface got married. Well, I guess that's one resolution out of the way.


fairyhedgehog said...

Poor freddie! The remedy is chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate. Trust me on this.

Kiersten White said...

Odds are he'll do it again sometime soon ; ) Don't give up hope.

Stacy said...

Yeah, that was the first thing I grabbed, FHH. : )

Ooh, Kiersten, you are delightfully wicked sometimes.

Robin B. said...

Well, shit.

Stacy said...

Damn right, Robin. Yesterday was a disappointment, I can tell you.

Robin B. said...

Yeah. Now I need a new fantasy subject.

Stacy said...

Well, I suppose we can still fantasize. As Fairyhedgehog once said: There's no charge for dreaming.