Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I'm confused about just how guilty I should feel about participating in NaNo, what with school and all. See the poll on the left. Right, I mean.

EDIT: I don't feel guilty, actually. This school year has been slow, and we don't really have a lot to do yet. This semester is supposed to be easy. But next year is supposed to be hard. Meanwhile, I'm enjoying time to just listen to music. But I'm keeping up the poll because I think it's amusing. I'll be doing more in the future.


fairyhedgehog said...

No no no no no. It's a very good thing to do.

I think I'm going to give it a go again. Probably. What's your name there? I'm always fairyhedgehog.

Stacy said...

Mine is freddie, though I haven't signed in or visited the site since last year.

fairyhedgehog said...

That's why I can't find you there then.

Stacy said...

Yeah. I'll sign up by this weekend. : )

writtenwyrdd said...

If I start yet another novel, I'll have to punish myself. So if I NaNo, it'll be a cheat in that I'll just be adding to an extant novel project. Like, who's going to rat me out?

I'll probably not participate again this year, though. Wish you the best of luck in the endeavor, though. Just a couple thousand words a day hammered out without any editing will get the text down. You can do it, even with school.

Robin B. said...

Have at it- as long as you're school stuff is rockin' - hey, everybody fills their days with something.

Most people plop in front of the tube. Writing keeps you animated inside. Go girl.

Stacy said...

Aw, damn, WW. I was looking forward to reading some of your nano novel. Ah well. Next year then. But I am going to post on your blog. Who needs Writer's Market when they can just go to your blog? LOL. Thanks for the encouragement!

Aw, Robin, you are such a sweetheart. You're not doing it, either, right? Shoot!!!

Robin B. said...

I can't. I'm down to the daily drunken sludge fest of editing para by para, baby. And yet, I love it. Go figure!

But I'm really gonna enjoy watching your progress, and EE's as well! Plus, who knows, you may be writing along and writing along and wham-o, a cool song comes into your head about it, and you write it. That would be a definite bonus.

writtenwyrdd said...

I got halfway through the word goal three years ago, and that's a good half a story; but I have let it set in order to work on some other projects.

And right now I am apprenticing myself to short story writing because at least I shall finish them, lol. Also, I find it difficult to get through the slog of the mid-novel plot tangles. I have a profound tendency to add too many subplots, you see, which is the real reason for short story projects--I've got to learn to hold back a little bit!

writtenwyrdd said...

I only found freddielovesrugby.

If you care, I'm listed under wyrddsmith. You can tell it's me by the ubiquitous poppy picture.

You have gotten me thinking about actually doing this insane thing this year. Shame on you, I was on a roll with the short stories.

Whirlochre said...

Was it Descartes who screamed 'ennanowrimulate, baby!'

Stacy said...

WW, I don't want you to stop writing your short stories if you're on a roll with those!! Maybe instead of doing an actual novel you could just make a goal of writing a certain number of short stories.

Stacy said...

Yes, Whirl. It was. ; )