Well, I was being a bit facetious, there, FHH. Sometimes my sarcasm doesn't come through so well. I need to work on that. ; )
Hey Robin, I don't think these things are all that accurate. I'm still trying to figure out how I'm rated "R." Maybe it was my review of Gone Baby Gone that did it.
Yanno, I always saw it the other way around.
Do you prefer multisyllabic pontifications or short, easy sound bites?
I think that it's better to write simply than in a way that only college professors can understand.
Hey there- you beat me - last time I took this one- I was a junior high girl. Put me in shock!
Well, I was being a bit facetious, there, FHH. Sometimes my sarcasm doesn't come through so well. I need to work on that. ; )
Hey Robin, I don't think these things are all that accurate. I'm still trying to figure out how I'm rated "R." Maybe it was my review of Gone Baby Gone that did it.
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