Monday, November 1, 2010

NaNoWriMo - Day 1

Today I got up and immediately wrote 1674 words on my novel. It's a haunted house/ghost story.

So far, so good!


fairyhedgehog said...

Way to go! That's a good start!

Sylvia said...

Go go go!

Old Kitty said...

YAY!!!!! That's a FAB start!! Yay!! GOOD LUCK!

Take care

lupie said...

Mom loves spooky story!!

Now, we hope ideas will spill like jelly beans and things will be going smoothies smooth!

Love, Lucky & Co.

Whirlochre said...

As long as they weren't all "BOO", that's great!

Stacy said...

Thanks, everyone! I've set up a widget that tracks my progress. Up to 3521 words now, although the novel is starting to feel more slippery already. Just gotta keep chugging away, I guess, and try to fix problems as they crop up.

pacatrue said...

6798 so far. Keep on trucking!