Saturday, December 27, 2008


Sick yesterday, recovering today. Had a fever and couldn't seem to keep anything down yesterday morning (TMI?). Still a little feverish, but not as much.

However, I have Just After Sunset (new book of Stephen King short stories) and The Graveyard Book (Neil Gaiman) to keep me company. Now if I could only get rid of this damn headache. . . .


Bevie said...

Sorry you are sick. When I've been sick and confined to bed I've sometimes used a fan to help me get rid of headaches. I put it on low and let it blow over me. It keeps fresh air flowing. It doesn't always work. Sometimes it actually gives me a headache, so use with caution.

I hope you feel better soon.

fairyhedgehog said...

Oh Freddie, what a bummer!

I do hope you feel better soon. Being sick at Christmas is the pits.

Sending you love and gentle hugs.

Stacy said...

Thank you, FHH and BBJD!! I'll try the fan thing. I suspect the headache is caffeine withdrawal. At any rate, I'm much better, if not completely back to normal. (Not that I'm normal. Heh.) Now I'm just coughing a bit, but that too seems to be subsiding.

writtenwyrdd said...

Feel better soon! I hope your head doesn't hurt too much to read.

Robin B. said...

Hey sweetie,

Stay hydrated. Well hydrated. A lot of time those head cold/exhaustion headaches will feel better if you lighten up a bit on the caffeine, and drink good cool water. A boatload of it.
(Don't cut out all caffeine, however, if you're a caffein-eholic like I am, or that will give you its own headache - a withdrawal headache, essentially.)

Are you taking cold tablets or anything? How are you feeling today?

Hope you're feeling better!

Stacy said...

I'm not sure what I have, frankly. It started as a stomach bug, where I couldn't keep ANYTHING down, including water. And I was running a fever. Now it's morphed into some sort of throat/coughing thing.

I got really dehydrated from not being able to keep anything down. But after I got over that, I was able to keep down chicken broth with rice, as well as some Gatorade. Over the last two days I've had 5 Gatorades and 3 Gatorade-bottles of water. (Well, I actually had 6 bottles of Gatorade, but you can guess what happened to one of those.) No caffeine; the thought of coffee or soda made my stomach turn. But today I had a Coke (the thought of coffee still makes my stomach turn, and there's no decent tea to be had here). The Coke did make my headadche go away.

Also my fever is down, but it could just be toying with me. At any rate, I'm up, doing laundry, with a possible trip to the store.

Aaaand, I'm in the running with Kiersten for most paranthetical statements.

laughingwolf said...

lotsa sleep should help... get well, quickslike

finally got a dvd copy of jim henson's 'emmett otter's jug-band christmas'... it's a rel hoot! :D

laughingwolf said...

make that 'REAL' hoot :(

Robin B. said...

Good to hear about the Gatorade!

And it's funny about Coke - I really do think it's good for headache/stomachache things. Makes ya feel better.

Hope you're well now!

laughingwolf said...

happy new year to you and yours :D

Robin B. said...

Happy New Year!

Stacy said...

Happy New Year to you, too, laughingwolf and Robin! As to all!

writtenwyrdd said...

Hope you aren't being sick for the new year! have a happy one and be well soon.

I find that when you are sick to your stomach, drink a few swallows of lukewarm water right away. Sometimes it won't stay down, but at least for me most of the time it did and I did feel better.

fairyhedgehog said...

Happy New Year, freddie. Hope you're feeling better now.