Thursday, December 18, 2008

Bright Spot

It's been one of those weeks. But a small bright spot is that I have a few continuations up on the Best New Beginning of 2008 Ballot on Evil Editor's blog. Surely voting in this is just as important and urgent as voting in this year's presidential election. Right?


Bevie said...

The nice thing about voting on Evil Editor's blog is that whoever wins deserves it. (Because they all do.)

Unlike here in Minnesota, where one side is claiming they're not counting all the votes, and the other side is claiming they are counting votes twice.

I think they should make both candidates submit a query on why they deserve to be U.S. Senator to Evil Editor and let him decide.

Good luck on your continuations.

fairyhedgehog said...

Hey, well done Freddie! That's quite impressive.

Bevie said...

I posted earlier before I realized you represent 30% of the finals.


Stacy said...

Thank you, BBJD and FHH!

Yeah, I noticed that race still hasn't been decided, BBJD. That's gotta get tiresome.

Kiersten White said...

a FEW? Weren't like half of the best ones yours?? I totally voted for two of yours. And the one that was a continuation on my New Beginning ; ) But that was an awesome, awesome continuation, too.

Whirlochre said...

I've bucked the odds in your favour. They were good continuations.

Stacy said...

Aww, thank you, Kiersten and Whirl!!!!