Monday, January 3, 2011


Anybody make any New Year's Resolutions yet? I have some kicking around in my head, but I've not gotten around to writing a list. Erm, so I'm off to a good start, yeah?


Old Kitty said...

Oooh you can ask your Orb!!!

I personally think resolutions are so 2010! LOL!

Good luck with yours!! Take care

fairyhedgehog said...

I don't do New Year resolutions! I feel like it would only give me something to fail at.

writtenwyrdd said...

I always vow to complete and submit at least one short story per year. This year, I also decided to aim for bettering myself by being kinder and a better listener to family and friends.

Stacy said...

I've written a list which I hope isn't too ambitious. Asking the Orb is a great idea, Kitty! I hope it would give me a response that makes sense to me. I'm tempted to take Fairy's notion to heart and do away with my resolutions, but there are some goals I need to meet this year.

Written, that's a great resolution.