Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ghost Story Recs

I've been dying for some good old-fashioned European and/or New England ghost stories. Any recs???

ETA: I lucked across a cheap anthology of Victorian ghost stories at Half Price Books. Unfortunately, I have not had time to start it. Sigh.


Old Kitty said...

MR James? Is that too old?!?! :-)

Roald Dahl is always very creepy with his "tales of the unexpected" type stories.

Daphne Du Maurier's The Birds and other short stories.

I hope you find a really good collection! Take care

Stacy said...

Nothing's too old, Kitty! I may have to reread "Turn of the Screw" to get my fix. : )

Sylvia said...

You know, someone gave me a set of Daphne Du Maurier books last year and I really enjoyed them. I have no idea why I'd passed them by before.

I just sold a ghost story! It's only flash fiction and it paid 0.025 cents a word. Next time, I'm definitely writing something longer.

I read a lot of online stories, I should make more of an effort to keep track of them.